
Agriculture Sector

For prosperous Africa’s sake, we prioritize people first before the continent. And the people require the urgency of a resilient, sustainable and environmentally secured agro-food chain to improve livelihoods and sanity. Our Agro sector project illustrates a wide range of modeling techniques, because we prioritize agriculture as a key socioeconomic sector and important driver for Africa’s growth, development and transformation.

For instance, there is an economic-experts’ consensus that Sub-Saharan Africa is geared towards agricultural land use as a primary driver of land-use change, and agriculture is a sector vulnerable to global environmental change. AI-Group flagship Project on “Africa Research and Development Network (ARDN)” demonstrates some key parameters for innovation and unlocking competitive Agro-industry sector edge on the continent.


Mining Sector

It is important that current and potential investors in this sector understand the applicable compliance, regulatory and fiscal considerations. Adopting an informed investment and operating strategy is key to building a sustainable and profitable business as well as a conducive Mineral Exchange Platform for the continent.

As a multiple industry set-up helping local, multinationals and investors navigate sectors, AI-Group Inc. was established to invest, guide and gauge corporate enterprise to access key industry sectors in four priority mining methods; underground, open surface (pit), placer, and in-situ mining. These we do on the following premises:

  • Underground mines are more expensive and are often used to reach deeper deposits.
  • Surface mines are typically used for more shallow and less valuable deposits.
  • Placer mining is used to sift out valuable metals from sediments in river channels, beach sands, or other environments.
  • In-situ mining, which is primarily used in mining uranium, involves dissolving the mineral resource in place then processing it at the surface without moving rock from the ground.


Technology Sector

Technology and Innovation

This represents a focal investment and key priority of the Group, helping to shape and coil a programming frame that is sustainable and supports an African wide public and private sector collaboration. Technological innovation project defines the processes AI-Group Inc. will lead constructive disruption and critically think for a bigger Pan-African Industry picture.

We are wired on the important journey to reap the benefits of Africa’s industrial revolution, using technology as a source of innovation to position Africa as a global brand and corporate giant. The emphasis is to increase market competitiveness, in order to place the continent for comparative and competitive advantages


Finance Sector


Although we are not a Bank or Banking institution, that notwithstanding, considering how strategic a financially secured and independent Africa is in building an industrialized continent, we have made a major part of our workflow to entail and provide financial linkages between small businesses and Multinationals on the continent with support from financial institutions, to increase the continent’s competitive value chains.

The GAIH-Group Inc. believes that Africa will continue to be the loser insofar as it continues to export its raw materials and natural resources, without the urgency to address the huge challenge it is facing around finished good exports.

To bridge these gaps, the corporate agenda of GAIH-Group is to build more efficient corporate relationship, partnership and trust with relevant pan-African financial and corporate institutions along industry competitive edge, including state and non-state banking institutions.

We are reviewing and upgrading essential frameworks and Rules of Engagement with the financial sector, as a priority of our firm’s finance directorate; proving support and financial advisories to government and private sector institutions of the economy. These industries will include banks, investment, insurance and real estate firms.